WOMBAT을 이용하여 Maternal Trait Model 풀기


예제 자료


R.A. Mrode, Linear Models for the Prediction of Animal Breeding Values. 2nd. Edition


Page 123. Example 6.1




5 2 2 1 1 35

6 2 2 1 2 20

7 6 6 1 2 25

8 5 5 1 1 40

9 6 6 2 1 42

10 2 2 2 2 22

11 7 7 2 2 35

12 7 7 3 2 34

13 2 2 3 1 20

14 6 6 3 2 40


개체, 어미, 어미, Herd, sex, 생시체중


위 자료를 data.txt로 저장




1 0 0

2 0 0

3 0 0

4 0 0

5 1 2

6 3 2

7 4 6

8 3 5

9 1 6

10 3 2

11 3 7

12 8 7

13 9 2

14 3 6


개체, 아비, 어미


위 자료를 pedi.txt로 저장


파라미터 파일 작성


# run option - 육종가를 구할 때

# RnSoln_xxx.dat 출력 파일 확인

#RUNOP -v --solvit


# run option - 육종가와 SEP(standard error of prediction)

# reliability(r2) = 1- SEP^2 / sigma_a^2

# RnSoln_xxx.dat 출력 파일 확인

RUNOP -v --blup


# run option - 좋은 초기값으로 분산성분을 추정할 때,

#RUNOP -v --good


# run option - 나쁜 초기값일 때 분산성분을 추정할 때,

#RUNOP -v --bad


# 요약 출력파일에 출력할 내용

COMMENT Single Trait Model(with Maternal Effects) from Mrode, 2nd Edition, Example 6.1


# Analysis Type, 단형질 분석



# 혈통 파일 이름

# SumPedigree.out 확인

PED pedi.txt


# 자료 파일 이름

DATA data.txt


gmdam 999

pedam 999

herd 3

sex 2




# Model of analysis

# SumModel.out 확인


TR b_wt

FIX herd

FIX sex

RAN animal NRM

RAN gmdam NRM

RAN pedam IDE




# 분산 성분

VAR animal+gmdam 2

150 -40 90


VAR pedam 1



VAR error 1



# SumModel.out 확인

# SumEstimates.out 확인

# SumPedigree.out 확인

# FixSolutions.out 확인

# RnSoln_xxx.dat 확인


위 파라미터 파일을 wombat.par로 저장




위 세 파일을 한 폴더에 넣고 다음과 같이 실행






결과 확인




======= Version 19-05-2012 ======================================= **KM** ====


Program WOMBAT : Summary of information from Set-up step



Single Trait Model(with Maternal Effects) from Mrode, 2nd Edition, Example


Analysis type : "UNI 1"

Data file : "data.txt"

Pedigree file : "pedi.txt"

Parameter file : "wombat.par"



No. of traits = 1

nrec mean sdev min. max.

1 "b_wt" 10 31.3000 8.70568 20.0000 42.0000


Fixed effects

1 "b_wt" nlev

1 "herd" 3

2 "sex" 2


Random effects nlev

1 "animal+gmdam 14 NRM

2 "pedam" 4 IDE

======== end of file ============================13-03-2014==========01:13====




======= Version 19-05-2012 ======================================= **KM** ====


Program WOMBAT : Summary of Pedigree Information



Single Trait Model(with Maternal Effects) from Mrode, 2nd Edition, Example


Analysis type : "UNI 1"

Data file : "data.txt"

Pedigree file : "pedi.txt"

Parameter file : "wombat.par"



No. of animal IDs in data file = = 11

No. of animal IDs in total = = 14


*****Pedigree Structure for random effect : 1 ****************************

Original no. of animals = 14

No. of animals after pruning = 14

... proportion (%) remaining = 100.0


No. of levels w/out records = 4

No. of levels with records = 10 100.0%

... 1 record(s) = 10 100.0%

No. of animals w/out offspring = 5 35.7%

No. of animals with offspring = 9 64.3%

... and records = 5 35.7%

No. of animals with unknown sire = 4

No. of animals with unknown dam = 4

No. of animals with both parents unknown = 4

No. of animals with records =

... and unknown sire = 0

... and unknown dam = 0

... and both parents unknown = 0

No. of sires = 5

... with progeny in the data = 5

... with records & progeny in data = 2

No. of dams = 4

... with progeny in the data = 4

... with records & progeny in data = 3


No. of animals with known/unpruned grand-parents

... with paternal grandsire = 2

... with paternal granddam = 2

... with maternal grandsire = 6

... with maternal granddam = 6

random effect no. = 1 NRM

no. of elements in NRM/GIN inverse 42

log determinant = -6.931471805599453

random effect no. = 2 IDE

no. of elements in NRM/GIN inverse 0

log determinant = 0.

======== end of file ============================13-03-2014==========01:13====




======= Version 19-05-2012 ======================================= **KM** ======================================


Program WOMBAT : GLS solutions for fixed effects



Single Trait Model(with Maternal Effects) from Mrode, 2nd Edition, Example



Fixed effects for trait no. 1 "b_wt"

Effect Orig.code Level Solution S.Error SolSum=0 No.recs Eff.Mean

1 herd 1 1 3.23994 16.0492 -1.60674 4 30.000

1 herd 2 2 6.62640 17.8009 1.77971 3 33.000

1 herd 3 3 4.67372 18.0772 -0.172966 3 31.333

1 herd 4.84669

Effect Orig.code Level Solution S.Error SolSum=0 No.recs Eff.Mean

2 sex 1 1 0.00000 0.00000 3.42450 4 34.250 **

2 sex 2 2 -6.84900 15.2033 -3.42450 6 29.333

2 sex -3.42450

** marks effects which have been set to zero for the analysis

======== end of file ============================13-03-2014==========01:13======================================



RnSoln_animal+gmdam.dat 확인


Run N Original ID Tr Solution St.Error Ignore Inbr %

1 1 1 0.563890 12.0295 0.188 0.000

1 2 0.261565 9.30559 0.195

2 2 1 -1.24439 12.1701 0.112 0.000

2 2 -1.58316 9.18638 0.250

3 3 1 1.16494 11.7022 0.295 0.000

3 2 0.735732 9.16961 0.256

4 4 1 -0.484436 11.9673 0.213 0.000

4 2 0.585864 9.31881 0.187

5 5 1 0.629533 11.7098 0.293 0.000

5 2 -0.507471 9.15549 0.262

6 6 1 -0.858629 11.7172 0.291 0.000

6 2 0.841041 9.06603 0.295

7 7 1 -1.15597 11.8555 0.251 0.000

7 2 1.29932 9.22225 0.235

8 8 1 1.91740 11.6702 0.303 0.000

8 2 -0.157915 9.41532 0.123

9 9 1 -0.553263 11.7544 0.281 0.000

9 2 0.659541 9.39494 0.139

10 10 1 -1.05508 11.7728 0.276 0.000

10 2 -0.152954 9.38824 0.144

11 11 1 0.385358 12.4880 0.275 12.500

11 2 0.915958 9.90243 0.178

12 12 1 0.863317 12.3170 0.274 9.375

12 2 0.442008 9.87547 0.096

13 13 1 -2.97957 12.5438 0.260 12.500

13 2 0.930558E-01 10.0021 0.109

14 14 1 1.75130 12.8643 0.343 25.000

14 2 0.362213 10.3125 0.234




Run N Original ID Tr Solution St.Error Ignore

1 2 1 -1.70083 5.88672 0.366

2 5 1 0.415397 6.17773 0.214

3 6 1 0.824915 5.90689 0.357

4 7 1 0.460519 6.08179 0.274



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