Animal Breeding/R for Genetic Evaluation

R을 이용하여 공통 환경 효과 모형(common environmental effect model)에 대한 blupf90 분석 결과 정리하기

투정이 2020. 7. 1. 13:24

blupf90을 이용하여 공통 환경 효과 모형의 육종가를 구하는 것을 아래에서 설명한 바 있다.


2014/02/25 - [Animal Breeding/BLUPF90] - blupf90으로 common environmental effect 모형의 육종가 구하기


여기서는 blupf90이 구한 결과를 R로 정리하는 것을 설명한다.

blupf90은 육종가(breeding value)와 육종가의 SE(SEP : Standard Error of Prediction)를 제공하는데 SE를 이용하여 정확도(accuracy)를 구해야 한다. 또한 renumber된 개체 ID이기 때문에 원래 ID를 찾아 주어야 한다.

blupf90이 구한 solutions는 다음과 같다.

trait/effect level  solution          s.e.
   1   1         1         91.49314010          5.36561786
   1   1         2         75.76444444          4.72581563
   1   2         1         -1.66706602          4.14999369
   1   2         2          0.54503060          4.14518326
   1   2         3          3.92525604          4.12387886
   1   2         4         -1.14141063          4.12387886
   1   2         5         -1.09755878          4.17520092
   1   2         6          0.44787118          4.18886646
   1   2         7         -2.33373269          4.14999369
   1   2         8         -3.81879549          4.18886646
   1   2         9          2.89476329          4.11247660
   1   2        10          1.52525604          4.12387886
   1   2        11         -1.44077295          4.31713808
   1   2        12          1.44077295          4.31713808
   1   2        13          1.44077295          4.31713808
   1   2        14         -0.26589372          4.31713808
   1   2        15         -1.17487923          4.30705522
   1   3         1         -1.76231884          3.42624144
   1   3         2          2.16115942          3.45467547
   1   3         3         -0.39884058          3.45467547


renumber된 혈통과 원래 ID는 renadd02.ped에 나와 있다.

1 11 15 1 0 2 1 0 0 7
2 11 14 1 0 2 1 0 0 14
15 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 2
3 13 12 1 0 2 1 0 0 9
12 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 4 4
4 13 12 1 0 2 1 0 0 11
5 11 15 1 0 2 1 0 0 6
6 11 14 1 0 2 1 0 0 13
11 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 0 1
7 11 15 1 0 2 1 0 0 8
8 11 14 1 0 2 1 0 0 15
13 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 3
9 13 12 1 0 2 1 0 0 10
14 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 5
10 13 12 1 0 2 1 0 0 12


1, 2, 3열이 리넘버된 혈통이고 10열이 원래 ID이다.


공통 환경 효과 모형(common environmental effect model)에 대한 blupf90의 결과로부터 정확도를 계산하고 원래 ID를 붙이는 R 프로그램이다.


# common envrionmental effect model의 blupf90의 분석 결과를 R로 정리하기 - Date :2020-07-01 

# blupf90의 육종가와 SE(standard error of prediction)읽어 

#정확도를 계산하고, 원래 ID를 붙임 

# set working directory 


# print working directory 


# sigma_a 

sigma_a = 20 


# read solutions 

solutions = read.table("solutions", skip = 1, sep = "", col.names = c("trait", "effect", "level", "solution", "se"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 


# read renumbered pedigree 

pedi = read.table("renadd02.ped", sep = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 


# read renumbered data 

data = read.table("renf90.dat", sep = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 


# read parity fixed solutions from solutions 

sol_fixed_sex = solutions[solutions$effect == 1, 4] 


# read animal solutions from solutions 

sol_animal = solutions[solutions$effect == 2, 3:5] 

rownames(sol_animal) = sol_animal[,1] 


# read ce(common environmental) solutions from solutions 

sol_pe = solutions[solutions$effect == 3, 3:4] 

rownames(sol_pe) = sol_pe[,1] 


# reliability 

rel = 1 - (sol_animal$se^2 / sigma_a) 


# accuracy 

acc = sqrt(rel) 


# 육종가 분할하기, DYD 구하기 생략 

# result 

repeat_result = data.frame(animal = sol_animal$level, animal_bv = sol_animal$solution, rel = rel, acc = acc, sep = sol_animal$se) 


# join original animal id 

aid_renum = pedi[,c(1,10)] 

colnames(aid_renum) = c("animal", "orig_aid") 


# 조인하기 위한 패키지 실행 



common_result_final = join(x = repeat_result, y = aid_renum, by = "animal", type = "left") 

common_result_final = common_result_final[order(common_result_final$orig_aid),] 


# 파일로 출력, 분리자는 ",", 따옴표 없고 

output_filename = gsub("[ -]", "", paste("common_result_", Sys.Date(), ".csv")) 

write.table(common_result_final, output_filename, sep=",", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)


다음은 실행 결과이다.


> # common envrionmental effect model의 blupf90의 분석 결과를 R로 정리하기 - Date :2020-07-01 
> # blupf90의 육종가와 SE(standard error of prediction)읽어 
> #정확도를 계산하고, 원래 ID를 붙임 
> # set working directory 
> setwd("D:/temp/03_common_environment_blupf90") 
> # print working directory 
> getwd() 
[1] "D:/temp/03_common_environment_blupf90"
> # sigma_a 
> sigma_a = 20 
> sigma_a 
[1] 20
> # read solutions 
> solutions = read.table("solutions", skip = 1, sep = "", col.names = c("trait", "effect", "level", "solution", "se"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 
> solutions 
   trait effect level   solution       se
1      1      1     1 91.4931401 5.365618
2      1      1     2 75.7644444 4.725816
3      1      2     1 -1.6670660 4.149994
4      1      2     2  0.5450306 4.145183
5      1      2     3  3.9252560 4.123879
6      1      2     4 -1.1414106 4.123879
7      1      2     5 -1.0975588 4.175201
8      1      2     6  0.4478712 4.188866
9      1      2     7 -2.3337327 4.149994
10     1      2     8 -3.8187955 4.188866
11     1      2     9  2.8947633 4.112477
12     1      2    10  1.5252560 4.123879
13     1      2    11 -1.4407729 4.317138
14     1      2    12  1.4407729 4.317138
15     1      2    13  1.4407729 4.317138
16     1      2    14 -0.2658937 4.317138
17     1      2    15 -1.1748792 4.307055
18     1      3     1 -1.7623188 3.426241
19     1      3     2  2.1611594 3.454675
20     1      3     3 -0.3988406 3.454675
> # read renumbered pedigree 
> pedi = read.table("renadd02.ped", sep = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 
> pedi 
   V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10
1   1 11 15  1  0  2  1  0  0   7
2   2 11 14  1  0  2  1  0  0  14
3  15  0  0  3  0  0  0  0  3   2
4   3 13 12  1  0  2  1  0  0   9
5  12  0  0  3  0  0  0  0  4   4
6   4 13 12  1  0  2  1  0  0  11
7   5 11 15  1  0  2  1  0  0   6
8   6 11 14  1  0  2  1  0  0  13
9  11  0  0  3  0  0  0  6  0   1
10  7 11 15  1  0  2  1  0  0   8
11  8 11 14  1  0  2  1  0  0  15
12 13  0  0  3  0  0  0  4  0   3
13  9 13 12  1  0  2  1  0  0  10
14 14  0  0  3  0  0  0  0  3   5
15 10 13 12  1  0  2  1  0  0  12
> # read renumbered data 
> data = read.table("renf90.dat", sep = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 
> data 
    V1 V2 V3 V4
1   90  1  5  1
2   70  2  1  1
3   65  2  7  1
4   98  2  3  2
5  106  1  9  2
6   60  2  4  2
7   80  2 10  2
8  100  1  6  3
9   85  2  2  3
10  68  1  8  3
> # read parity fixed solutions from solutions 
> sol_fixed_sex = solutions[solutions$effect == 1, 4] 
> sol_fixed_sex
[1] 91.49314 75.76444
> # read animal solutions from solutions 
> sol_animal = solutions[solutions$effect == 2, 3:5] 
> rownames(sol_animal) = sol_animal[,1] 
> sol_animal 
   level   solution       se
1      1 -1.6670660 4.149994
2      2  0.5450306 4.145183
3      3  3.9252560 4.123879
4      4 -1.1414106 4.123879
5      5 -1.0975588 4.175201
6      6  0.4478712 4.188866
7      7 -2.3337327 4.149994
8      8 -3.8187955 4.188866
9      9  2.8947633 4.112477
10    10  1.5252560 4.123879
11    11 -1.4407729 4.317138
12    12  1.4407729 4.317138
13    13  1.4407729 4.317138
14    14 -0.2658937 4.317138
15    15 -1.1748792 4.307055
> # read ce(common environmental) solutions from solutions 
> sol_pe = solutions[solutions$effect == 3, 3:4] 
> rownames(sol_pe) = sol_pe[,1] 
> sol_pe 
  level   solution
1     1 -1.7623188
2     2  2.1611594
3     3 -0.3988406
> # reliability 
> rel = 1 - (sol_animal$se^2 / sigma_a) 
> rel 
 [1] 0.13887762 0.14087279 0.14968116 0.14968116 0.12838486 0.12266989 0.13887762 0.12266989
 [9] 0.15437681 0.14968116 0.06811594 0.06811594 0.06811594 0.06811594 0.07246377
> # accuracy 
> acc = sqrt(rel) 
> acc 
 [1] 0.3726629 0.3753302 0.3868865 0.3868865 0.3583083 0.3502426 0.3726629 0.3502426 0.3929081
[10] 0.3868865 0.2609903 0.2609903 0.2609903 0.2609903 0.2691909
> # 육종가 분할하기, DYD 구하기 생략 
> # result 
> repeat_result = data.frame(animal = sol_animal$level, animal_bv = sol_animal$solution, rel = rel, acc = acc, sep = sol_animal$se) 
> repeat_result 
   animal  animal_bv        rel       acc      sep
1       1 -1.6670660 0.13887762 0.3726629 4.149994
2       2  0.5450306 0.14087279 0.3753302 4.145183
3       3  3.9252560 0.14968116 0.3868865 4.123879
4       4 -1.1414106 0.14968116 0.3868865 4.123879
5       5 -1.0975588 0.12838486 0.3583083 4.175201
6       6  0.4478712 0.12266989 0.3502426 4.188866
7       7 -2.3337327 0.13887762 0.3726629 4.149994
8       8 -3.8187955 0.12266989 0.3502426 4.188866
9       9  2.8947633 0.15437681 0.3929081 4.112477
10     10  1.5252560 0.14968116 0.3868865 4.123879
11     11 -1.4407729 0.06811594 0.2609903 4.317138
12     12  1.4407729 0.06811594 0.2609903 4.317138
13     13  1.4407729 0.06811594 0.2609903 4.317138
14     14 -0.2658937 0.06811594 0.2609903 4.317138
15     15 -1.1748792 0.07246377 0.2691909 4.307055
> # join original animal id 
> aid_renum = pedi[,c(1,10)] 
> colnames(aid_renum) = c("animal", "orig_aid") 
> aid_renum 
   animal orig_aid
1       1        7
2       2       14
3      15        2
4       3        9
5      12        4
6       4       11
7       5        6
8       6       13
9      11        1
10      7        8
11      8       15
12     13        3
13      9       10
14     14        5
15     10       12
> # 조인하기 위한 패키지 실행 
> #install.packages("plyr") 
> library(plyr) 
> common_result_final = join(x = repeat_result, y = aid_renum, by = "animal", type = "left") 
> common_result_final = common_result_final[order(common_result_final$orig_aid),] 
> common_result_final
   animal  animal_bv        rel       acc      sep orig_aid
11     11 -1.4407729 0.06811594 0.2609903 4.317138        1
15     15 -1.1748792 0.07246377 0.2691909 4.307055        2
13     13  1.4407729 0.06811594 0.2609903 4.317138        3
12     12  1.4407729 0.06811594 0.2609903 4.317138        4
14     14 -0.2658937 0.06811594 0.2609903 4.317138        5
5       5 -1.0975588 0.12838486 0.3583083 4.175201        6
1       1 -1.6670660 0.13887762 0.3726629 4.149994        7
7       7 -2.3337327 0.13887762 0.3726629 4.149994        8
3       3  3.9252560 0.14968116 0.3868865 4.123879        9
9       9  2.8947633 0.15437681 0.3929081 4.112477       10
4       4 -1.1414106 0.14968116 0.3868865 4.123879       11
10     10  1.5252560 0.14968116 0.3868865 4.123879       12
6       6  0.4478712 0.12266989 0.3502426 4.188866       13
2       2  0.5450306 0.14087279 0.3753302 4.145183       14
8       8 -3.8187955 0.12266989 0.3502426 4.188866       15
> # 파일로 출력, 분리자는 ",", 따옴표 없고 
> output_filename = gsub("[ -]", "", paste("common_result_", Sys.Date(), ".csv")) 
> write.table(common_result_final, output_filename, sep=",", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)


다음은 저장한 파일이다.




csv 파일이므로 엑셀에서 열면 다음과 같다.